Show all Finance Energy Case Studies Healthcare Case Studies Hydrocarbon Loss ControlA diversified energy company with renewable fuels, petroleum refining and marketing business throughout the USA South-Midwest engaged Trindent to create and develop an industry…Read MoreEnergy Case Studies Energy Consumption OptimizationA leading refinery in Canada, with already top-quartile Energy Intensity Index (Ell) rankings engaged Trindent to push the frontiers of their energy efficiency with the aim of…Read MoreEnergy Case Studies Gasoline Blending OptimizationA North American Refining Corporation engaged Trindent to optimize gasoline blending at one of the largest and most complex refineries in the world, based on our proven successes…Read MoreEnergy Case Studies Oil Sands Maintenance Operations ImprovementBuilding on strong past engagements, one of the largest operators in Canada’s growing oil sands industry engaged Trindent to assess the efficiency of operation within its…Read MoreEnergy Case Studies Operations and Supply Chain OptimizationA medical device company focused on the design, marketing and manufacturing of surgical products for spine disorders experienced low fill rates, weak ordering governance, poor…Read MoreHealthcare Case Studies Medical Technology A/R SolutionsOne of the world’s largest medical technology corporations was facing large rebate disputes, costly damages and returns, and difficulty managing Accounts Receivable and…Read MoreHealthcare Case Studies Back-Office ImprovementA Japanese division of one of the largest insurance providers engaged Trindent to improve productivity and implement effective management processes. 64%PRODUCTIVITY IMPROVEMENT…Read MoreFinance Operations Efficiency TurnaroundAn insurance market leader in Korea, seeking to improve its competitive position in Thailand and China engaged Trindent to perform an operations efficiency turnaround at one of…Read MoreFinance