Dear Prospective Candidate,
During its recruitment process, Trindent Consulting is often asked about the differences between working for a small and a large consulting firm. Usually, candidates are concerned they will not receive the same development opportunities, exposure, and training at a small firm as they would at a larger one.
Rest assured that working at a small firm not only offers these same experiences but at Trindent Consulting we exceed those expectations in several areas:
- Challenge – At a large firm, engagements can be multi-year and have teams that include well over ten consultants, which limits how varied your experience and exposure can be. Skillsets can stagnate and employees can find themselves pigeonholed into a niche area of expertise. At Trindent Consulting, we strive to implement six-month engagements with teams of four consultants. For an employee, this means their role is continuously evolving and their skillsets are constantly developing and expanding. Our small size also gives employees the kind of frequent exposure to internal and external executive-level staff they wouldn’t have at a large firm, as well as much more diverse exposure to different clients and industries.
- Development – Candidates are often concerned that they will not receive the same training as they would at a larger firm. However, at Trindent Consulting, we put all our consultants through a best-of-breed 12-week training program – a complete education on relevant frameworks, methodologies, and approaches, all of which are industry agnostic. Employees also receive specialist training from our in-house Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), as well as any external training identified by you or by a business need. Each employee is further given a mentor to guide them through our continuous improvement and development program. Mentors offer support, communicate feedback, and guide you through a bi-annual, self-designated Development Plan.
- Advancement Opportunities – With a small team, our accomplishments are showcased not just among the engagement team, but within the entire company. Every month, employees are recognized through our Value Excellence Award program and given the spotlight in our internal newsletter. As well, in a small firm, there is greater flexibility in promoting employees based on Key Performance Outcomes and merit – not simply their tenure.
- Communication – In a large firm, it can feel like your voice is not heard or like it’s one among hundreds or thousands. Trindent believes that development does not stop with our employees. To be the best firm, we strive to hear every employee and act on their suggestions. We have weekly calls with the entire firm and monthly employee engagement surveys and meetings, and our semi-annual company retreats give every employee the opportunity to speak up, be heard, and make a difference.
If these values appeal to you and you want to challenge yourself, develop your skillset, and seek advancement opportunities, then Trindent Consulting is the right firm for you.
Visit our careers page to learn more about our values, interview process, working at Trindent, and current openings.