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Value Stream Mapping Your Way Out of Waste

No one likes waste, but the question is, what the best way to get rid of it?  The answer is Lean, whose fundamental objective is to create maximum value through the elimination of waste.  In essence, finding processes to get things done with less effort, less time, and fewer resources. Originally conceived in post-war Japan… read more →

The Search For Perfection Broken Down

Understanding the 5th Principle of Lean Methodology The term perfection is defined as “the state of being complete and correct in every way”. In this literal definition, the concept of perfection can be erroneously perceived as an unobtainable objective, causing it to be rejected.  However, the Pursuit of Perfection, the 5th principle in lean methodology is not meant to be a paralyzing ultimatum, but… read more →

Lean Kaizen, Small Steps to Big Change

Originating in Japan’s automotive manufacturing sector, Lean methodology was developed in an effort to increase productivity without incurring costs by minimizing waste.  To make Lean methodology application straightforward, a variety of tools were created to implement this increase in customer value.   These tools included 5S organization, Value Stream Mapping, Focus PDCA, Kanban and Kaizen. Let’s… read more →

Lean Concepts For Knowledge Workers

The core idea of “Lean” is widely recognized even by those who don’t know the terminology.  The fundamental objective of Lean is to create and maximize value while eliminating waste.  It’s a principle aimed at optimizing the people, resources, efforts, and energy of an organization with the goal of creating maximum value for its customer…. read more →