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Lean Concepts For Knowledge Workers

The core idea of “Lean” is widely recognized even by those who don’t know the terminology.  The fundamental objective of Lean is to create and maximize value while eliminating waste.  It’s a principle aimed at optimizing the people, resources, efforts, and energy of an organization with the goal of creating maximum value for its customer…. read more →

Working at Trindent: A Year in Review – 20/30/40

It is at the one-year mark of my career launch with Trindent that I write this article intended to share how the year has brought extensive learning, personal growth, and an abundance of opportunity. Giving context to the magnitude of learning, growth, and opportunity experienced over the past year; I have spent a day in… read more →

The Pyramid Principle: Lessons in Effective Writing

How many times have you read a piece and thought to yourself, what did I just read? I know I do that on the daily and I cannot stop but wonder, do my readers feel that way about my writing? During a discussion about effective communication, a mentor of mine led me to the following… read more →

Driving Behavioral Changes in Implementation Consulting

As a professional in the Oil & Gas sector for more than three decades, I have participated in numerous initiatives involving consulting firms. I have experienced projects of many sizes and scopes from short-term to multi-year efforts. In recent years, I have seen the industry forward thinkers gravitate towards Implementation Consulting. Very well expressed in… read more →

Coding for Consultants

  Companies that are frequently associated with coding and programming are tech giants such as Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft (GAFAM). However, as companies digitize their businesses there is often more data than can be consumed. This has resulted in coding becoming one of the most important job skills for professionals across many industries… read more →

Onboarding: Optimizing New Hire Success

Following the employee recruitment and selection process, onboarding is one of the most critical functions for effective talent management in any organization. Onboarding, in numbers: Companies lose 25% of all new employees within the first 12 months As much as 20% of employee turnover occurs in the first 45 days of employment It costs $3,000… read more →

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