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FOCUS PDCA – A Lean Tool For The Healthcare Industry

With a core objective of maximizing customer value while minimizing waste, Lean management principles are widely used in most industries, and healthcare is no exception. FOCUS PDCA is a Lean tool developed by the Hospital Corporation of America to specifically address the complex challenges the healthcare industry faces from increasing quality demands and continued pricing pressures.  The… read more →

Time Is On Our Side

“Time is on our side…” proclaimed Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones.  Depending on how easily you recognized that song, you may or may not agree and there may or may not be much you can do about it.  However, if you are running back-office operations more than likely time is not on your side…. read more →

Forward to Basics

The expression “back to basics” suggests there is an advantage to focusing on simple, fundamental ideas before getting wrapped up in new, overly complicated ones. In today’s business world, there’s no shortage of new, refined, or re-purposed methods, practices, principles, tools, and techniques in every industry.  However, when communicating and making business decisions, it’s important not to… read more →

Speak So Your Audience Hears

It may be so obvious that it’s frequently overlooked, but no company is a carbon copy of another.  All organizations have their own unique culture, one that’s commonly captured in their motto, such as Trindent’s “Make it Happen™”.   Company culture shows great insight into the executive management style at the top, which then influences… read more →

The Impact of the 5S System on the Healthcare Workplace

The 5S organization system is a fundamental part of Lean consulting. A tool designed to improve efficiency, it uses a systematic approach to organization and cleanliness in the visual workplace.  Like Lean, 5S was created in Japan and because the original “S” terms were in Japanese, the English translations for each of the five steps… read more →

Refinery Maintenance Best Practices

Two common expense reduction strategies that companies in any industry often pursue are abandoning long-term projects and cutting corners, but both are a mistake. In refineries, one of these mistakes is often made by reducing one of the largest operating expenses – preventative maintenance costs.   Refinery maintenance costs are broken-down into preventative and reactive.  Preventative… read more →

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