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The Importance of On-Site Observations and Witnessing at Refineries

In our capacity as refinery planning and economics consultants , a pivotal facet of our initial assessment involves meticulous observations and active engagement in operations. This approach enables us to firsthand gather information on existing workflows, identify potential issues, and unearth opportunities for value creation. Engaging in discussions with frontline operators and witnessing operations allows us… read more →

Vital Role of Tank Gauging in Refineries: Ensuring Accuracy and Safety

Refineries play a critical role in the processing of crude oil and the production of various petroleum products. Within these complex facilities, the storage and management of liquids, such as crude oil, intermediates, and finished products are of utmost importance. To ensure efficient operations, accurate inventory management, and safe working conditions, refineries rely heavily on… read more →

Path To Net Zero

Introduction The 24th World Petroleum Congress (WPC) held in Calgary, Alberta brought over 15,000 visitors and 5,000 delegates worldwide to discuss the industry’s energy transition and path to net zero. The United Nations projects that the world population will reach 8.5 billion by 2030 and 9.7 billion by 2050, leaving billions of people who must… read more →

Optimizing the Hydrocarbon Value Chain

Overview Refining companies have a multitude of lucrative coordination opportunities in their efforts to turn hydrocarbon resources into finished products.  In recent years, refiners have suffered with skills shortages, where crucial skillsets left the organization. At the same time, there has been a proliferation of data that makes decision-making more complicated, and after constant reorganization, the… read more →

Fueling Relationship Building – Getting Beyond Data Accuracy

While hydrocarbon loss is viewed at a molecular level and relies on data accuracy, success for several critical elements of a Hydrocarbon Loss Control Program depends on the people working together to manage these processes. Therefore, the crucial role of the client-consultant relationship is paramount for the success and sustainability of any engagement. An effective… read more →

Refinery Planning Best Practices

Refinery Planning Short and long-term planning is one of the most critical activities that a refinery undertakes; it is a multi-million decision-making process that involves feedstock selection, product slate, and refinery scheduling, which impacts the longevity and profitability of a refinery. While this process defines how a refinery should operate to achieve specific optimization objectives,… read more →

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