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How to become a thought leader in 5 easy steps

So you think you’ve got what it takes to be a thought leader? To be a true thought leader, you need to be well-versed on a specific topic, provide unique insights and perspectives and demonstrate leadership.

Here are a few ways in which you can effectively and strategically use LinkedIn to build your personal brand and position yourself as a thought leader:

  1. Select your niche.What topic, industry or subject matter are you going to own? This will help determine what kind of content to share or write about. It will also be easier to attract and build an audience because they will know what type of content to expect from you. Eventually, you’ll become their go-to expert.
  2. Be fascinating. When you share or write content make sure you have something different to say. Ask yourself these questions: Is this important to my audience? Does this add value to the conversation? Am I providing a different perspective? How will my content stand out?
  3. Be consistent.Share content regularly. It doesn’t have to be net new content; it can simply be a relevant article that you’ve read. If you would like to write your own material, LinkedIn has offered a blog platform to its users. The advantage of publishing through LinkedIn is its established critical mass.
  4. Be timely.If you want to be considered a thought leader in let’s say social media and Facebook announces an upgrade that will have a significant impact on its users, make sure you are one of the first to share the news. That means being vigilant and in tune with what’s going on in your world/industry.
  5. Keep going.Start joining groups or following companies on LinkedIn and contribute to their group pages: offer advice, ask questions and engage with their members. It will feel like a grind at times but keep at it. Plug away because the time you invest now will pay off in the long run.

This article was written by Mishka Alarcon, Marketing Manager at Trindent Consulting. She develops marketing tools and resources for the firm to increase brand awareness and market share.